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Манчестер Сити
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Манчестер Сити
Главная » 2015 » Январь » 26 » Письмо руководству "Манчестер Сити" english version
06:52 | Просмотров: 2013 | Автор: Гайк
Hello the most favourite and the best club of England - Manchester City!!!

The most devoted fans from the former CIS countries writing you. =)

The title race in full play and we trust what exactly our favorite club -Manchester City - will celebrate a victory at the end of the season! We observe and worry about each match, about each player. Any victory is a holiday for us!. And any defeat is a huge disappointment, but we always try to recover from it.

Taking this opportunity, we want to address to all management and, in particular, the head coach of club Manuel Pellegrini. We want to thank especially mr. Pellegrini for titles of the last season, and we wish good luck in the future!

Dear, dear Manuel Pellegrini! Speaking one’s mind, we all were very disappointed by the results of the last matches. We don't want to blame you or players for these failures. For us, such a big and ambitious club as Manchester City has to fight only for the highest places and the most prestigious titles. Fans have no rights to tell the manager what to do, but let us share with our vision of all situation. We hope that you forgive us for such impudence.

Last season was remembered by very attractive and bright attacking game by City. No one can't forget so many goals from the last season. Thanks for such tremendous and dedicated game, the team also became the winner.

But where was the spirit of the last season gone? All City fans were waited for the same magnificent season, and, instead, have to be satisfied with uncertain away games and not always victorious results on our favorite Etihad. But we don't lose hope that the team will manage to return last year's game style and then City again will give to the fans bright victories.

We know, all Manchester City players are top players and they are extremely skilled, but we would like to see more often City EDS players. Because the club has a huge number of talented young kids. In particular, we want to mark José Ángel Pozo, Thierry Ambrose, Brandon Barker, Bersant Tselin. You shouldn't forget about the loan players : Marcos Lopes, Karim Rekik, Jason Denayer, Matija Nastasić, Bruno Zuculiini. All these players deserved chance to prove to play in main team. We lay hopes that in the future all of the listed talents will be connect with City. Only.

Certainly, neither the manager, nor the management of the club, don't have to fulfill desires of City fans but we just want to wish the team only the best results. All fans hope for good result in the Champions League. There is a wish that such club as Manchester City will be strong not only on national fields, but also on Eurocups. Also, we wish all the City players good health, and we hope that the rest of the season will pass without any injuries.

We love Manchester City very much and we will support the club up to the end! We City Till We Die!!!

Thank you, and Good luck, Manchester City, new victories and big glory!!!!!!!

Signature: The official site of fans of FC "Manchester City" in Russia.

Всего комментариев: 8
#1 EsQuire   26-01-2015 08:22 [Материал]
Очень много ошибок. Как смысловых, так и грамматических.

#2 Гайк   26-01-2015 09:12 [Материал]
привет умник. почему не взялся сам за перевод?

#3 Гайк   26-01-2015 10:59 [Материал]
Ну начинается! CIS это Commonwealth of Independent States
Содружество Независимых Государств СНГ то есть. Наша Раша в этом списке.
Почему бы всем просто не согласится с переводом. с оригиналом помойму всех кто чирикал накормили

#6 Pasho   26-01-2015 17:30 [Материал]
что-то ты охамел, тут не чирикает никто! и замечание справедливое потому что писали СНГ и Россия, а перевод другой! вот и спросил, не нужно тут корявые понты крутить! транслейтер от бога блин.

#7 Гайк   26-01-2015 19:30 [Материал]
завидуй молча

#4 Гайк   26-01-2015 11:11 [Материал]
это сто %. не знаю как название сайта изчезло. наверно при копировании или еще как то. конечно надо, вдруг Хесус Навасзарегестрируется)

#5 aguero)   26-01-2015 12:21 [Материал]
не могу дождаться когда дойдет до них.а вообще надо было на испанский переводить :) (шутка).

#8 Гайк   26-01-2015 19:44 [Материал]
один момент разьясню. я вам не переводчик по профессии. как мог перевел, и уж поверьте, любой чей родной язык английский, смысл каждого предложения и всего письма поймет. так как я перевел, так на улице никто не разговаривает. а если есть и какие то грам ошибки, это такие мелочные что не стоят выеденного яйца. я уверен нам простят. мы письмо не в посольство пишем, чтбы все было 100% правельно. вы в оригинале ошибки на русском не увидели, а на этот говорите.

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